The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

June 3, 2022 'Best Friday Ever' Top Gun Maverick Review, Why You Should Work In Retirement, Crazy Stats and a Lost City of Gold

June 03, 2022

I’m about to type something I haven’t typed, said or thought in a long long time. I can’t wait to go to the movies. I want to see ‘Maverick.’ I think Tom Cruise may have single handedly saved Hollywood with this film by making a movie Americans have been longing for.

Retirement is something we all aspire to. However, the stats show most people die pretty soon after. A loss of purpose and productivity can be detrimental to our lives so why do we stop ‘working?’ Mr. Money Mustache has a great take on ‘retirement.’

A lost city of gold has been discovered in South America.

Weird stats. Quick-how much saliva does the average person create in just a month? It’s pretty crazy.

I hope you have the best Friday ever, and this helps. Until we meet again always endeavor to ‘Improve always in ALL ways!’
