The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode #151 BFE for 3-25-22 Five Fundamental Questions We ALL Need to Ask Ourselves

March 25, 2022

There are 5 questions we should all ask ourselves on a regular basis.

  1. What are things I need to STOP doing?
  2. What are things I need to DO LESS of?
  3. What are things I need to KEEP doing?
  4. What are things I need to DO MORE of?
  5. What are things I need to START doing?

What are some actions you need to abrogate from your life all together. Everytime you say yes to something you are saying no to something else. What are you saying yes to when you should be saying no?

What is something you need to do less of? Are you eating too much? Are you working too long of hours? Are you speaking your mind a little too much? Maybe you are doing something seemingly good you’re just overdoing it.

What is something you absolutely need to keep doing. There is something you do very well. What is it? How can you ensure you don’t stop doing that thing?

What’s something you need to do more of? Is it connecting with friends? Is it telling your spouse, “I love you more?” Find that thing and find a way to do it more.

What’s something you need to start doing? Whatever it is, write it down and keep a log of every time you do it. Start a streak that you won’t want to break. This will close the feedback loop or at a minimum create small feedback loops to keep you motivated to reach the long term goal.

I hope you have the best Friday ever. I hope you will make a point to improve always in ALL ways!

Until we meet again, I’m out!



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