The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Episode 143 "What is The Meaning of YOUR Life?" The Jason Wright Birthday Special

February 19, 2022

So I’m a guy who usually hates birthdays. I don’t really see what the big deal is. I had nothing to do with my birth. I don’t like the idea of self aggrandizing. I basically am a humbug when it comes to birthdays.

Or so I used to be. Now I look at the years as a marker. Did I find meaning in the previous year? What will the next hold. I look to the future with anticipation these days unlike in year’s past when I looked to them with dread.

I’m a guy who once looked at life as Heaven’s waiting room. If we are all headed to Heaven to be with God anyway, then what are we waiting for? I once described it to a friend as God dropping us off at Wal-Mart and leaving us without telling us when he’s coming back to get us.

Oh, and we are supposed to be thankful for all the things Wal-Mart has. It was a twisted view for sure. That’s until I started finding purpose and meaning for my own life as it relates to the bigger picture of life as a general idea.

I hope this interview gives you more insight into what “improve always in ALL ways” really means to me. I hope you will ask yourself some of the questions Phil poses to me in this interview.

I’m a guy who absolutely savors life these days. It has nothing to do with money, fame, prestige or whatever the world at large considers success. It has to do with purpose. I have found mine.

I’m trying to be the best version of myself so I’m best suited to be useful to those around me.

I hope you enjoy this episode. While I’m my least favorite subject to talk about I did enjoy sitting with my friend and mentor for a while and answering some really insightful and self-reflecting questions.

Thanks for listening.
