The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

What Are You Afraid Of?

October 04, 2023

Welcome to The Jason Wright Show! In today’s thought-provoking monologue, we delve deep into the concept of fear and explore whether we often find ourselves fearing the wrong things. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 7:1, which states that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, we will ponder the profound wisdom encapsulated in this ancient proverb.

Fear is an innate human emotion, and it plays a significant role in shaping our decisions and actions. But what if, as suggested by the renowned psychologist and thinker Jordan Peterson, our focus should not solely be on courage, but on fearing the right things? Join us as we unpack this intriguing perspective and discover how it can transform the way we approach fear in our lives.

Throughout this monologue, we’ll reflect on various aspects of fear:

