The Jason Wright Show

The Jason Wright Show

Fridays With Dr. Gus: Helping Empower You To Live Your Healthiest Life

August 04, 2023

“I am incredibly fortunate to have met and made some amazing friends through my podcast. One such friend is Dr. Gus Vickery.

Gus has become somewhat of a fixture on the Jason Wright Show, and we’ve decided to make it official. Dr. Gus is now the Chief Medical Advisor to Texas Titan Media and The Jason Wright Show.

Gus and I both have a heart to give folks the tools and knowledge to help them lead their healthiest and happiest life.

Jesus says in John 10:10, “…I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Wow! What a statement. This is my and Gus’s goal for everyone – that you and your loved ones might have life abundantly. A HUGE component of this is abundant health. Healthy people are happier. Healthy people are more useful to their community and loved ones. Healthier people get to live life more abundantly.

Every week, we are going to explore topics about health and wellness. I am NOT a physician. Dr. Gus is – and he’s a brilliant one. Together, we hope you will find this information useful and beneficial. If so, please share it far and wide with your family and friends.

