test import podcast 789

test import podcast 789

test 20180321

March 20, 2018

The conversation runs long this week on Make It Stop as comedian and music critic Tawanda Gona joins Heather and Mike to feast on a stale cracker. In 2017, after a lengthy string of disappointing releases, Eminem released Revival, arguably his most despicable album yet. With a bloated 80+ minute runtime, and a smorgasbord of tryhard slant rhymes, outdated edgelord humor, and convoluted double entendres, Revival may just be the least enjoyable album any of us have ever heard. To soothe the pain, we try to make sense of Eminem's place in today's world. Is he more like The Simpsons or The Undertaker? Whatever the case, they all need to just Make It Stop.
CW: We discuss Eminem's lyrics, many of which are misogynistic, homophobic, ableist, and contain references to r*pe.
