Tenkara Grasshopper Hansha Podcast

Tenkara Grasshopper Hansha Podcast

Tenkara Hansha Episode 1

February 22, 2018

The Tenkara Hansha Podcast Episode 1 is finally here.

Tenkara Hansha Podcast Episode 1

When things fall into place, they really fall into place. I am super stoked to be announcing that the first episode of the Tenkara Grasshopper Hansha Podcast has gone live.

The podcast was brought about by a number of things. By far, the biggest driving factor was all of you, my loyal readers. I have watched the Tenkara Grasshopper website grow astronomically since day one.

Because of this growth, I felt it was time to give everyone a little something different. Podcasting is definitely something different, at least for me.

The Learning Process

Because this is the Tenkara Grasshopper Hansha Podcast Episode 1 I am well aware of a learning curve. I have many points during this journey that will only get better with time.

My verbal delivery will improve with each episode. I plan to grow the content of the podcast organically with the passing of time.

In an effort to bring a level of professionalism to the podcast, I plan to up my production quality as well. Using new software to create each episode has its own challenges. But, I am willing to take on these obstacles in an effort to provide a quality finished product to my listeners.

The Content of the Tenkara Hansha Podcast

Podcasts are only as good as the content in each episode. With that in mind I vow to offer the most relevant content to tenkara and the sport of fly fishing.

Because of this, I have been putting together a list of topics for different episodes. Everything from personal thoughts on tenkara to recent gear releases are in the line up.

I will be bringing guests into the studio. Each guest will bring something different and special to each episode. The current list of guests include tenkara personalities, authors, and guides.

In an effort to serve the fly fishing community as a whole, I plan to bring in guests from the Western fly fishing side of things as well. It could be fun to have a rod designer or builder join me for a hansha.

Listen to the Tenkara Hansha Podcast Episode 1

Listen to this first episode and let me know what you think. I look forward to an amazing future for this project and I hope you find it as exciting as I do!

You can find additional episodes on the Tenkara Hansha Podcast Page.
