Ten Giant Robots

Ten Giant Robots

Episode 6 – Master of All; Jack of None - Ten Giant Robots

October 30, 2015

Episode 6: We continue our journey into our Hollywood destinies  while Sean tries to recall all the times he's been fired. Meanwhile, Efram just chooses to win his way into your television.

* Sean got fired from True Lies...
* ...And the Playboy News

* Richard Jeni

* ...and Starbucks
* Photoshop leads to a photo restoration job at A and I
* Which leads to performing color correction at Foundation Imaging

* Sherry Hitch
* Charlie White

* Efram starts at Project Greenlight, Season 2 (2003)

* He wanted to create CG bugs for his short
* Learned Maya via DVD lessons from Gnomon
* Giant bug short: Insex
* A generic definition for Maquette. Not to be confused with Chris Marquette, star of...
* ...the giant bug movie is "Infestation" aka "Big Bugs Panic" in Japan, which we always get a kick out of
* Shout outs to Dilated Pixels, a VFX and Production company in Hollywood
* Infestation, the first project from Dilated Pixels, received a VES Nomination for "Best VFX In a Miniseries or Special". Not too shabby
* And the award we didn't get: that shiny thing in the middle of the page

* Sony Imageworks, now headquartered in Vancouver, Canada
* Dreamwork's Animation; still American
* Situations we often run into while "in the muck"

* Inheriting or taking over a project and trying to decipher what is going on and how to finish it off

* Usually not possible to start from the existing assets and solve the issues

* 5k RED footage
* Pipelines!

* Every studio does it their own way and with their own choice of software and how it interoperates
* Have your own contingency plan
* Every size project needs artist orientation
* Kevin Geiger's FMX/08 YouTube video (there are many parts to this presentation)
* Life of a Shot with Jeff Scheetz, founder of the DAVE School. Now leading Monkey Chow Productions
* Working on Roughnecks (IMDb)

* Diversions

* Efram has just seen Tim's Vermeer
* Tim Jenison of Newtek
* PJ likes his HBO Now, now! now!
* Sean brings up a tear-jerking and profound episode of Radio Lab on donated organs

As always, you can contact us on our Facebook page or Twitter. Let us know what you think or what you might like us to cover in the future!
