

Latest Episodes

Techumanity: No. 10 Machine Learning
November 20, 2019

In this episode Dr. Tony Kashani discusses ways of seeing the hidden power of AI.

Techumanity: No. 9 Tech Revolution
July 28, 2019

In this episode Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the so-called Tech Revolution and where humanity may be headed with all the advancements in technology. He talks about shared economy and how democratic values can change the dynamics of our economic system alon

Techumnaity: No. 8 Metrics
July 18, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses Metrics and how this technology is transforming societies. He tells the myth of Pandora’s Box and metaphorically injects it into the discussion.

Techumanity: No. 7 Ethics in Digital Age
March 23, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses one’s character in the digital age. He examines the Ethics of Virtue in a world where our lives are driven by technology.

Techumanity: No. 6 Identity
March 05, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the notions of identity, modes of being, and phenomenology of existence. He tells the story of Prometheus and makes references to Erich Fromm’s work.

Techumanity: No. 5 Reality in the Digital Age
February 19, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the nature of reality. And, through an allegory, further elaborates on how reality is mediated for us vis-à-vis the media.

Techumanity: No. 4 Priorities in Life
January 22, 2019

In this episode, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses quality of life in the Digital Age.

Techumanity: No. 3 Concentration
December 14, 2018

In this episode of Techumanity, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the notion of focus and concentration. the discussion is contextualized with two very intriguing stories.   

Techumanity: No. 2 In Search of Consciousness
December 09, 2018

In this episode of Techumanity, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the selfie culture vis-à-vis the myth of Narcissus and Echo. The notion of consciousness is examined. 

Techumanity: No. 1 Time
December 07, 2018

In this episode of Techumanity, Dr. Tony Kashani discusses the notion of time and reality. Through a story he connects the dots between High Technology and the ways in which we construct reality and introspect.   
