Team Building Podcast

Team Building Podcast

The Endless Benefits of a Simple But Detailed Metrics Tracking System & How to Create It w/Logan Boyce

November 11, 2021

Nothing empowers a team to achieve and excel like putting your numbers under a microscope and tracking them consistently. Unfortunately, the real estate metrics tracking products of the past were broken and made it harder for us to have the numbers and analytics at our fingertips. 

Today we’re joined by a team leader and entrepreneur who created a great metrics system that everyone on the team can wrap their heads around, and take action on. 

How does Real Estate Traction work, and how does it help teams achieve their goals? 

In this episode, founder and owner of Montreal's Elite Real Estate Group, Logan Boyce walks us through his metrics tracking dashboard and system, and why it’s such a powerful tool for teams.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

- How to create a metrics tracking system people will actually use

Is it possible to have a great system without massive, confusing spreadsheets?

- Why a good metrics system helps with coaching 

How can team leaders use metrics tracking to drive performance and accountability? 

- Why your metrics tracking is only as as good as your input consistency

What’s the one mistake teams make with their metrics tracking and how do we avoid it?

Guest Bio- 

Logan is an entrepreneur, leader and the owner and founder of Montreal's Elite Real Estate Group and Flip Your City. With 120+ Transactions and 40M+ in volume,  Montreal's Elite is a dominant force in real estate in Montreal.

For more information on Real Estate Traction visit

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