Teachers on Teaching Podcast

Teachers on Teaching Podcast

It's a Gift: Raquel Cardoso, Art Teacher, Rafael Hernandez School

June 15, 2018

In this first episode, we meet Raquel Cardoso, art teacher at the Rafael Hernandez K-8 Dual Language School in Roxbury.  It’s a mid-October day, about a month after the devastating hurricane in Puerto Rico. She talks about how her immigrant experience influences her teaching, and about how she tries to help students express their own voices and to realize that they can make a positive difference in the world through art.

Welcome to Teachers on Teaching!  Boston teachers talking about their work and their lives as educators.  It’s sponsored by the Boston Teachers Union and hosted by Paul Tritter, Director of Professional Learning.  Eloise Biscoe, retired BPS teacher, edits and produces the interviews. Paul catches up with these educators between classes during the planning and development period.  He talks to them about their teaching and how being teachers shapes their lives.
