Teach Create Motivate Podcast: Motivational Tips & Tricks for Teachers

Teach Create Motivate Podcast: Motivational Tips & Tricks for Teachers

Latest Episodes

3 Areas to Systematize for Effective Classroom Management
June 22, 2021

Are you always looking for ways to improve how the day to day operations go in your classroom? Having effective routines and expectations in place makes a HUGE difference in your overall classroom management. These things also save you so much time...

Jamie Sears on Transforming Reluctant Writers Into Excited Writers
June 17, 2021

How do I get all of my students excited about writing? How do I even get myself excited to teach writing?! If you are one of the many teachers who dread writing time, you are not alone. Luckily, I have some incredible inspiration for you to take back...

Using Student Shoutouts and Class Compliments to Strengthen Classroom Community
June 15, 2021

Building a strong classroom community is such an essential part of your classroom management. When your kiddos feel valued and recognized, they will shine in your classroom and during other parts of the school day such as specials, lunch, and...

Hear How Teachers Are Using Classroom Management Games
June 08, 2021

Games are one of my favorite ways to manage classroom behaviors and expectations. They are an easy way to keep things fun and engaging for you and your students! I love creating behavior management games so that you have low-prep ideas for your...

Tips For Setting Yourself Up For Next Year
May 27, 2021

Happy end of the year! While the end of the year is so exciting, the days leading up to it can bring on a great deal of stress and overwhelm. Final grades need to be put in, your classroom needs to be packed, and the list goes on and on. All you want...

Ending Your Year With Research Projects
May 25, 2021

Youre almost there teachers! The end of the year is here. If you have completely run out of ways to keep your kiddos engaged, I have the perfect solution for you. Research projects! Research projects

General Ed and Special Ed Collaboration Tips with SLP, Amanda Newsome
March 23, 2021

I'm so excited to bring on a guest who is also one of my best friends. Her name is Amanda Newsome and she is a wife, mom, and speech-language pathologist. She has been in an elementary setting for ten years. She also runs her business, A Perfect...

How to Stay Organized While Teaching Virtually
March 09, 2021

Staying organized is challenging enough, but teaching online calls for next level organization. Virtual learning comes with endless PDFs, Google Slides, resource links...the list goes on. Resources such as Google Drive gives you the capability to...

3 Ways to Engage Students for Better Classroom Management
February 09, 2021

If you know me, you know I LOVE talking about classroom management, so that's what we are diving into today! Classroom management is something that's constantly evolving for all of us. You've probably found that what works for your class one year...

Google Classroom Tips and Tricks
January 26, 2021

Do you use Google Classroom in your everyday teaching? It' such an amazing tool for both in-person teaching and virtual learning. It's quickly becoming a hot topic, so today I wanted to give you some tips and tricks so that you can maximize how you're...
