TCK Care

TCK Care

Latest Episodes

July 28, 2020

Life gives you a lot to handle, often at the same time. What do you focus on first? Here's one model for setting priorities, especially in a time of crisis. (Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash) --- Support this podcast:

July 21, 2020

Adjustment takes time. It takes patience, and flexibility, and so many things. TCK's are professional adapters, but let's not forget that it can be beneficial to rehearse the basics if you want to pursue excellence. So let's talk about the basics of what

Single Stories
July 14, 2020

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks about what happens when people tell and listen to a single story. I believe that Third Culture Kids are prone to tell single stories, especially about themselves. But that doesn't have to be true. Let's talk about what it &n

July 07, 2020

What makes third culture kids inclined to view the world so differently? How can we use our vantage point to make the world a better place? And what exactly is the legacy we're going to strive for? Let's talk about it. (Photo by IGOR FIGUEREDO on Unsplash

Emotional Availability
June 30, 2020

Why might TCK's have difficulty getting in touch with their feelings? How might that impact relationships? And what's to be done about it? Let's talk about emotional availability. Here's an excellent article on emotional availability that I reference in t

Transition is Visceral
June 23, 2020

Is it just me, or does the process of transition have an inextricable connection with deep feelings? In this week's episode, I speak to the way that an outward experience can affect us on the inside, dramatically shaping our emotional reality. And I talk

"Not Just Words" with In Inés Yabár
June 16, 2020

Inés joins me on the show to share her amazing story of travel, adventure, language, and connection. Inés and I talk about the nature of relationships in a transient state, and how language is more than just the words that we speak. --- Support this po

I Remember Everything
June 09, 2020

Have you ever felt alien? Do your memories appear strange to you, as if you may come from another world, or another time? Today I'm going to talk about what it's like to carry the memories from the Third Culture, memories of other worlds that we carry ins

June 02, 2020

This goes out to the TCK's who have lived the life, done the work, and are in a good place. Let's take a second to celebrate the fact that life can be good and that #youvegotthis! (Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash) --- Support this podcast: https://anch

The New Normal
May 27, 2020

Third Culture Kids are highly adept at managing change. But what about when change ends and things remain the same? How does someone who's used to change handle the new normal?(Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash)--- Support this podcast: http
