Tapping This Week

Tapping This Week

Grin and bear it #304

July 07, 2019

“I hate washing dishes”
Don’t let the topic fool you, there’s a lot to learn in this tapping audio.

When we don’t let ourselves feel how we are dissatisfied, it can be because we think there’s nothing that can be done about it.
When we are stuck on something somewhat “trivial,” it can be because we have competing values at stake.
When we are tapping, we can use exaggerated words or phrases.
Not seeing any other possible solution can be part of what we tap on.
Tension in the body – which chakra do you feel it in?
Tapping on being controlled
As kids the impact of tightly controlled structures
Mapping our inner sense of timing to the outside world

Photo by Ray Hennessy
The post Grin and bear it #304 appeared first on Deborah Donndelinger.
