

Latest Episodes

Episode 33: Challenge Guides
December 23, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about the mob mentality of gudie writing and this expansion's Challenge Modes.

Episode 32: Betamining
December 06, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about Brewmaster and Guardian datamining, and finish off discussing the binary nature of tanking.

Episode 31: Blog Posts and Mythic Xhul
November 24, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle discuss reactions to the Druid, Monk, and Warrior blogs with a little Mythic Xhul for flavour.

Episode 30: Blizzcon Part 1
November 15, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about Blizzcon 2015, with a little Velhari on the side.

Episode 29: Mythics and Blizzcon
November 01, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about Iskar, Zakuun, Velhari, and make Blizzcon predictions.

Episode 28: Mythic and Metrics
October 08, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about a couple of new Mythic encounters, and how to measure tanks.

Episode 27: Midwinter HFC Debrief
September 05, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle chat with Grafarion and Slootbag from Midwinter about tanking Mythic HFC, WoD as a whole, and hopes and dreams for Legion!

Episode 26: Class Fantasy and Endgame
August 28, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about the latest tanking news, Class Fantasy, Endgame, and Mythic bosses!

Episode 25: Warlords Tanking Feedback
August 15, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle provide some feedback about how tanking felt in Warlords.

Episode 24: Proving Grounds
July 31, 2015

Sunnier and Arielle talk about Proving Grounds in Warlords of Draenor.
