Tame Your Task List

Tame Your Task List

How to Declutter Your Task List Quickly

July 13, 2021


SPOILER ALERT: This episode has a F.R.E.E. mini-challenge! Grab a friend and join this episode’s MINI-CHALLENGE for some accountability fun!


Our task lists can get cluttered quickly.

We constantly see tons of great ideas that we’d love to do, so we put them on our task list so we don’t forget.

Then, our task list becomes this overwhelming, never-ending list of tasks that we just want to ignore.

Until now.

In this episode of the Tame Your Task List Podcast, we’re giving you one simple question to ask yourself when you’re ready to declutter your task list.

Come listen to How to Declutter Your Task List here:

Join the Accountability Action Step here:

Next week, we’re talking about how to declutter your schedule (just in time before the kids go back to school).

Let me know when you (and your friend) complete the mini-challenge, so I can cheer you on!

Join us here (Price is ZERO at checkout): https://mini-course.groovesell.com/checkout/1d68f61b5a726d19c2644b401ec663d4 #timemanagement #entrepreneurs #tameyourtasklist
