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Expendables 4 discussion
July 11, 2018

We all love our action movie heroes. One guy facing down all the bad guys against all odds is the plot to most of those stories. These action movies have catapulted the careers of actors like Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris,

Marvel Comics return of Wolverine
July 04, 2018

Marvel killed Wolverine back in 2014 in their "Death of Wolverine" series. He was supposedly sitting encased in Adamantium this whole time. We learn that Kitty Pryde phased through the metal and pulled Logan's body out.

Spider-man into the Spider-verse
June 27, 2018

Ultimate Spider-man was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sarah Pichelli. Miles Morales first appeared in Ultimate Fallout #4 following the death of Peter Parker. Miles is from the Ultimate Marvel continuity,

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom
June 22, 2018

The first Jurassic Park movie was a huge blockbuster. It managed to capture people's fascination with dinosaurs and paired that with realistic looking special effects. I remember watching the movie and thinking "How did they train those dinosaurs so we...

Marvel Cosmic Ghost Rider series
June 20, 2018

Marvel introduced a new character in Thanos #16, the Cosmic Ghost Rider. It is revealed later in that issue that the Cosmic Ghost Rider is none other than... Frank Castle (Punisher). If that isn't twisted enough for you,

Is MCU teasing a Mr Sinister appearance?
June 13, 2018

The Marvel movies have been teasing Mr Sinister quite a bit. At the end of X-men Apocalypse we see the vial labeled "Weapon x" being placed into a briefcase with the name "Essex Corp" stamped on it. In Deadpool 2 the name of the orphanage where Russel ...

DC Comics Batwoman on CW Arrowverse
June 06, 2018

When you think about the Batman Family, members like Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood immediately pop into your head. One member that typically gets no love is Batwoman. Well, that is about to change. -

Luke Cage Season 2 on Netflix
May 30, 2018

The Marvel comic book series on Netflix have been a huge hit. Marvel used a bunch of street level heroes that all reside in the same vicinity. There is bound to be some cross-over of characters when they are all super-powered and living in the same nei...

DC Comics Legion of Doom returns
May 23, 2018

If you watched Challenge of the Superfriends cartoon growing up, you know their biggest enemy was the Legion of Doom. The Legion of Doom was the villains answer to the group of Superheroes at the Hall of Justice.

Deadpool 2 Movie Review
May 18, 2018

If you liked the first Deadpool movie, you will love the sequel. Deadpool 2 was much more Deadpool being like his character in the comic books. There is a lot of silly humor and fourth wall breaking. We both highly recommend you watching Deadpool 2.
