Talent Takeaways

Talent Takeaways

Talent Takeaways: 006 Brandon Miller – Improving Engagement with the Strengthsfinder

August 13, 2015

In this episode, Brandon Miller, CEO of 34 Strong, Inc. speaks on the topic of the Strengthsfinder and its impact on organizational culture. Miller explains what the Strengthsfinder is and its correlation with improving productivity and employee engagement.


About Brandon:

Brandon Miller is a Gallup-Certified StrengthsFinder Coach, as well as the CEO and Co-Founder of 34 Strong, Inc. As an accomplished Strengthsfinder enthusiast, Miller first employed his StrengthsFinder expertise while in an executive professional position, leading hundreds of individuals and groups through StrengthsFinder over the course of ten years. Brandon is the epitome of a motivator; he leverages his sense of humor, his flair for storytelling, as well as his unparalleled team building skills to create an experience for clients that develops them both professionally and personally.
Most recently, Miller had a vision; a company built on the very foundation of StrengthsFinder. Working collaboratively, Miller brought together a team of fellow StrengthsFinder coaches and trainers and 34 Strong was born.
And 34 Strong is growing – it is growing strong! As CEO of 34 Strong (www.34Strong.com), Miller leads a team of talented coaches and trainers committed to working with individuals, teams, organizations, and enterprises to discover strengths and apply them for maximum productivity. Since its inception, Miller and his 34 Strong crew have worked with companies including: Genentech, Live Ramp, American Pacific Mortgage, US Bank, DeVry University, Allstate Insurance, Keller Williams, Lyon Real Estate, Plum Organics, the State of CA and the Consumnes Service District.
As a proponent of the Strengths movement, Miller and his team speak and write extensively on the topic of Strengths, including his recent e-book Play Like a Team, Win Like a Team. He also initiated the 34 Strong, Gallup Certified StrengthsFinder “Train the Trainer” program, whereby dozens of trained coaches and trainers have been propelled into utilizing their strengths to train or coach in their own companies or as private consultants.
Brandon doesn’t stop there, a pioneer in the StrengthsFinder Coaches movement, he has partnered with other StrengthsFinder coaches to launch the world’s fastest growing, and largest StrengthsFinder Meet-up networking group.


Interview Questions:

1.) Brandon, tell us a little bit about your background with Strengths?

2.) Can you give us an overview of what the Strengthsfinder is and how it is different from other "personality assessments?"

3.) How can it be impactful to organizations?  I mean is this just a  team building feel-good exercise, or are there tangible results associated with it for organizations that are using it?

4.) Does Strengths have any correlation with organizational culture?  If so, how does it impact organizational culture?

5.) What changes have you seen in organizations that have worked with strengths?

6.) Employee engagement is a big thing these days, but according to  Gallup seems unchanged for over a decade...isn't it only about 30% of the US workforce is engaged in their work?

7.) I have heard Strengths can impact employee engagement...how does that work?

8.) What can organizations do that want to incorporate strengths into their culture?

For more information on the Strengthsfinder, visit http://www.34strong.com/


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