T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

T&Z Talk With Trupiano and Zombeck

Day one of the Democratic Convention - what a difference

July 26, 2016

What a difference a week makes. After the hate filled and vile vitriol the GOP subjected us to ;ast week, it was the DNC's turn at a convention. From day one it has started to look more like the America many hope for. Cory Booker: A new rising star and and an incredible speaker. It's not his first time on the national stage, but boy what a show. Michelle Obama: Not her first time either. And for someone who's had their speeches stolen by the GOP, this one that she gave at the DNC is definitely worth stealing. Some have even called it one of the best speeches given at the convention. Sarah Silverman: After being all about Bernie, Silverman has thrown her support behind Sanders much to the chagrin of a booing faction in the crowd. Silverman, after some thought, let them have it in only the way a comedian can. Paul Simon: Frankly, he sucked. www.tandztalk.com info@tandztalk.com
