SYP Adelaide

SYP Adelaide

SYP May 2015 Class – An Enduring Example

June 15, 2015

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SYP May Study Day | 1:05:02 | 23.4 MB
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"An Enduring Example" - Tim Badger
As we study the books of Timothy & Titus our theme for this year is "Live for God Today". What this means for us is that we will strive to remove the distractions of the world around us and instead focus on the lessons in these books as we strive to Live for God each and every day. Timothy and Titus were two completely different characters but they had a common passion – a desire to serve God and the ecclesial world. The letters to Timothy and Titus, therefore, are words of encouragement from a spiritual & loving father of how these two diverse young people could fulfil their service towards the end of an age. The letters speak of how to interact with all ages and genders in the ecclesia, of how to please God in your personal life and of how to stand firm against pressures associated with the end of an age – in short it is how to live for God today!
