Superhero Super Show

Superhero Super Show

Latest Episodes

Vol. 2 Issue #14
February 01, 2017

Turns out this week was better! But one of our super friends has been infected with a super virus! Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #14 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #13
January 21, 2017

Maybe next week will be better. Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #13 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #12
January 20, 2017

We’re back! Let’s get into the swing of things before the return of new shows. Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #12 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #11
December 05, 2016

It’s time for the epic 4-part* crossover even we’ve all been waiting for! Also Agents of SHIELD happened. Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #11 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #10
November 28, 2016

More kissing needs to happen on these superhero shows, don’t you think? Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #10 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #9
November 24, 2016

On this episode, we say what we’re thankful for (not Gotham). Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #9 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #8
November 14, 2016

This week’s podcast is totes lit as we make new friends and enter new demographics. Hello, Teens! Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #8 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #7
November 08, 2016

Super heroes! Television! A strange week! Doctor Strange that is. Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #7 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #6
November 01, 2016

Almost all of the shows were actually good this week, which is a great change of pace! Listen here:  Download it: Vol. 2 Issue #6 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us: SHSS, Clint, and Ryan Music:

Vol. 2 Issue #5
October 25, 2016

Missed encounters between lovers and salt bath deprivation chambers push us through a less than stellar week of superhero shows. Listen here: Download it: Vol. 2Issue #5 Subscribe: iTunes Follow us:
