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SFR 452: Creepy Characters
April 08, 2018

***We are aware of the poor audio quality. We clearly goofed.*** –It’s been a long 2 weeks off, and it feels like we have missed so much. So instead of having a set lineup, we’re just winging it today. Whatever … Continue reading →

SFR 451: Unpopular Opinions
March 18, 2018

–Wow, we’re back doing a live broadcast on Sunday! Bobby was not too sick, nor did he remember he had another kid that was celebrating a birthday, and he didn’t go out of town with Anderson Cooper or something. Fun! … Continue reading →

SFR 450: Saturday Night Live
March 10, 2018

–Here we are on a Saturday night, broadcasting a live show, all because Bobby can’t make it Sunday. Again! But seriously, he has a pretty legitimate reason, and we’re fired up to talk through the issues of the week. Doesn’t … Continue reading

SFR 449: Gluten Free Minisode
March 05, 2018

–We are back with you. This time, recording a Minisode over the phone Monday night because Bobby’s daughter had a birthday. Jason runs down a list of grievances with these children of his. –Someone has placed a statue of Jason … Continue

SFR 448: The Way of the Gun
February 25, 2018

–Strange Frequencies Radio is back, and today we’ll be diving into the recent Florida school shooting, and giving our thoughts on the reaction, including discussing gun control. –But first, it’s Bobby’s birthday tomorrow, and Jason again has g

SFR 447: Slippery When Wet
February 20, 2018

–We missed this past Sunday’s show because Bobby went on a quick getaway. We’re back with this Minisode to make it up, and should be back again Sunday, too! –After our last live show, we posted a picture of Jason … Continue reading &#859

SFR 446: Destination Weird
February 11, 2018

–The live show started about a half hour late today. Why? Because the Nelson family kitten came down to the SFR studio and chewed through a bunch of cords. Bad kitty! –If you need some good news: a Maryland “psychic” … Contin

SFR 445: Superb Owl
February 04, 2018

–The much ballyhooed Nunes memo ends up being a flop – more nonsense from a partisan hack – but Trump still says it “vindicates” him, and Bobby wants to know why he keeps using that word. Jason shares a few … Continue reading &#859

SFR 444: The Power of Four
January 28, 2018

–According to the Doomsday clock, we are now two minutes away from “apocalyptic midnight.” Just what does all this mean? And is it worth worrying about at all? –What’s been weirding you out this week? Jason brings up a 2005 … Continue re

SFR 443: Shut It Down
January 21, 2018

–We start off with some sad news: Bobby’s college classmate and friend, Jessie, dies in a snowmobile accident that also took the life of her cousin. –Our area of Northwest Ohio and Southeastern Michigan experienced a meteor/fireball that
