Stories After Dark

Stories After Dark

Antonio Sanchez and the Rape-Slay of Eileen Sarmenta and Allan Gomez (1993)

August 26, 2019

Mary Eileen Sarmenta was a 21-year old U.P. Los Baños student who was brutally raped and, with her schoolmate and friend Allan Gomez, murdered by ex-mayor Antonio Sanchez and his men in 1993. For this crime, Sanchez was sentenced to seven counts of reclusion perpetua or a maximum of 40 years in prison, but a 2019 Supreme Court ruling that R.A. 10592 be applied retroactively threatens to allow his early release due to good behavior. • Listener discretion is advised due to the graphic nature of this story. • Episode photos and credits: / Blog: / Facebook page: / Twitter: / For feedback or story suggestions:
