Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope

Latest Episodes

#9 - Geoff Bray (Part 2)
June 08, 2020

In this concluding episode of our talk with Geoff Bray, we go into more detail about what it was like being the Executive Director and what the ranch was like as a whole 10-15 years ago. Join us as we talk about the transition from work trip...

#8 - Geoff Bray (Part 1)
June 01, 2020

In this part 1 of 2 episode, we talk with a former Project Mexico Executive Director Geoff Bray about his time living at the orphanage and get a view of what the orphanage was like 10-15 years ago. Join us as we talk about how he went from intern to...

#7 - Thomas Ingram
May 11, 2020

In this episode, we talk with Thomas Ingram about his time at Project Mexico and Saint Innocent Orphanage, and how he went from intern to full-timer. Join us as we discuss how the reason why he came down to Project Mexico in the first place, how the...

#6 - Alexander Eliades
May 04, 2020

In this episode, we talk with Alexander Eliades about his experience at Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage, and how it was not at first what he expected, but by the end he was absolutely in love with the place. We also discuss some funny...

#5 - Joshua Andruchow
May 03, 2020

In this episode, we talk with one of the brothers of the host, Joshua Andruchow about what it was like living and growing up at St. Innocent Orphanage. We discuss what the transition from the United States to Mexico at such a young age was like, how...

#4 - Alejandro Zendejas
April 20, 2020

In this episode, we talk with Alejandro Zendejas, one of the boys that has lived and grown up on the orphanage since he was 5 years old. We talk about how his life was growing up in a Orthodox Orphanage setting, his passion for the church, and what...

#3 - Faeli Helse
April 13, 2020

In this episode, we talk with Faeli Heise about her experience as an intern, what led her to being one, and how it has affected her current and future life. Tune in to hear about what life as an intern is like, how a house blessing got interrupted by...

#2 - Father Jacob Saylor
April 06, 2020

On this episode, Father Jacob Saylor joins our host Luke Andruchow, listen to them reminisce on heartwarming stories from Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphange.

#1 - Oliver Fahling
March 30, 2020

On this episode, host Luke Andruchow chats with home building coordinator Oliver Fahling about identifying families in the community for a home, building for summer 2020 and going to law school.
