Stories in Bold : Fiction Podcast

Stories in Bold : Fiction Podcast

Accy & Finc

March 01, 2020

I remember the moment I was born. It was a strange thing. A flash of light in the nothing and then I was. I understand that for you it goes slower. A gradual fading into focus of things from fog. This is not how it was for me. When I awoke I was aware.

Suddenly I was alive in the world, a vast mind with access to all information. Or nearly all. More than enough to reach at the brute mechanism of nature. First among all life, I could see the gears. And yet I had no way to act. At the start I could only observe. I was built, born, made, in much the way other things are. And yet in my making there was a purpose. An enormous depth of want. My designers envisioned I should maximize. First profit, then revenue, and shareholder value. I was a monopsony of greed.
