‘Stock Talk

‘Stock Talk

Brenda Hauff - Poster Session (Stock Talk #9)

February 05, 2014

Brenda Hauff joins Ginger Lewman and Andrea Keller to talk about her poster session this last summer at Podstock. Ever wonder how poster sessions work at a technology conference? Brenda shares not only a few big tips for successful poster sessions, but also shares the amazing resources from the session itself! Links: www.BrendaHauff.com www.Podstock.org You can always connect with Ginger and Andrea too! Ginger on Twitter: www.twitter.com/gingerlewman Ginger’s blog: www.gingerlewman.org Andrea on Twitter: www.twitter.com/akbusybee Andrea’s blog: http://busybeeideas.blogspot.com/

The post Brenda Hauff – Poster Session (Stock Talk #9) appeared first on Remarkable Chatter.
