STL Tech Talk Podcast

STL Tech Talk Podcast

BusyEvent Founders Brian Slawin & David Schenberg - Episode 66

April 20, 2015

Have you been to a conference or trade show lately?
If so, did the event have a mobile app for your smartphone that helped you choose your schedule, find your way around with a map or update you with show news?
There is a good chance that the software was created by a local St. Louis company, BusyEvent.
Founded by Brian Slawin & David Schenberg, BusyEvent can help not only attendees, but also event organizers & sponsors by giving them important information that is relevant to their position. As mentioned before, attendees like having the schedule & map right in their hand. Organizers like knowing which sessions were most popular and how well they did with planning. Sponsors of course want to know that their money was well spent and how many qualified new contacts they made amongst other data.
Have a listen to the episode and make sure to contact Brian & David if you have any other questions you would like answered.
Make sure to visit for more information.
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