The Stevie G. Success Show: The #1 Personal Achievement Podcast

The Stevie G. Success Show: The #1 Personal Achievement Podcast

Episode SGS-0028 – Elisha and Elyssa Fernandez – The Unlikely Entrepreneurs

December 08, 2014

The Stevie G. Success Show Notes
Episode SGS-0028 – “Elisha and Elyssa: The Unlikely Entrepreneurs”
Welcome to Episode 28 of The Stevie G. Success Show: The #1 Personal Achievement Podcast, where we bring you guest interviews designed to help you live more, play more, and rock the world.  If you have ever thought that age is a factor in determining your own, or your child’s ability to achieve you are going to simply love this interview with Elisha and Elyssa, who at ages 11 and 12 are published authors, commercial artists and illustrators, and can even cook Pad Thai which is a fairly complex dish to prepare at any age! However, first, I want to thank you for investing your time to listen to this show and for sharing it with the people you love and care about.
I created this show as a platform to bring you stories of real people doing extraordinary things, to inspire you to go out and live a truly remarkable life…a life of your own choosing. If you desire to flourish and thrive in your relationships, your communications, your health and wellness, your personal life, your business or career, I want to introduce you to people who are just like you that are making it happen. These are people which have struggled, fallen, and gotten back up over and over again and are striving day in and day out to create a better world for themselves and for the world in which they interact.  I want you to hear, to see, to feel, and understand that you do not have to wait until you become a superstar to be satisfied with your life. You do not have to wait to become a millionaire in order to improve your community or positively affect the lives of those with whom you interact on a daily basis.
We are all familiar with celebrities, superstar athletes, and billionaire business people that have achieved incredible things, and overcome insurmountable odds to win world championships, to build hotels, skyscrapers and cities, and launch companies with products and services that transform the way we communicate, the way we learn, and the way we live. We hear about these people, we read their stories and we stand in awe of what they have accomplished. We learn about these incredible achievements and say “wow, that’s incredible, that is amazing!” And then some people go on to say: “I could never do that,” others say, “I wish I could do that,” others say, “why can’t I do that?” and still others say “I’m gonna do that, or something better.”
What do you think is the difference between these people? What is it about a person that determines whether they will live a life of poverty or whether they will live a life of financial abundance? What determines whether someone will spend their life living in the shadows and in relative obscurity, while others rise to prominence and become household names? What is it that determines whether a person will live a life of misery and suffering, or will live a life that is rich, exciting, and prosperous?
Now I need to point out here that by making these comparisons and discussing whether someone lives in poverty and obscurity, or whether they live in abundance and prominence, I am not casting judgment on these people either way. I am not saying that one life is better than another or that you should choose one over the other. I am certainly not saying that one person is better than another because they have achieved more, earned more, or done more. We all know people who are financially broke, yet who do more to bring joy to others than do other people with lots of money and influence. So I am not telling you that one life is necessarily better than another. I do believe, and as I teach my clients and all of my audiences, “the life you get to live is the life that you choose to live.”
However, in the context of this show which deals with personal development and achievement, I am only going to focus on bringing you information which will enable you to thrive, flourish and prosper in e
