Latest Episodes

Desde el Desierto (Día 7 de 40)
March 07, 2020

Toda la creación gime con dolores de parto. Pronto todas las naciones alabarán a Dios. --- Send in a voice message:

Day 6 of 40 from The Desert
March 06, 2020

School’s out for me. I keep learning though. The better friend I become to my Best Friend Forever, I stop fighting about religion, politics, sports, or anything else. He doesn’t like it when I fight. He fights for me, and when I fight for Him everything g

Desde el Desierto (Día 6 de 40)
March 06, 2020

Thank God it's Friday! ¡Gracias a Dios por darnos chance, estar dispuesto a perdonarnos, y darnos el privilegio de compartir... especialmente lo bueno que Él ES, y todo lo que Él ha hecho para nosotros. ¡Gracias Dios! Y a ti, mi amigo, también te doy grac

Day 5 of 40 from The Desert
March 05, 2020

Reading the lyrics keeps me hydrated and satisfied, but I always wonder what the original music must have sounded like. I bet it was special. Knowing the man who wrote most of ‘em had also been a warrior, murderer, and adulterer make ‘em even more special

Desde el Desierto (Día 5 de 40)
March 05, 2020

¡Qué alegría cuando cae lluvia en el desierto! --- Send in a voice message:

Day 4 of 40 from The Desert
March 04, 2020

If yesterday, the last chapter, was about mom, maybe this one can be about dad, being a boy, and trying to be a man - fast. After all, he played an important part in getting me started in life, even if I didn’t see him much. I remember the sweet smell of

Desde el Desierto (Día 4 de 40)
March 04, 2020

Señor Dios, ¡escóndenos! En el desierto de la vida hoy, ¿qué te parece si repartimos pan y agua a los que tienen hambre y sed? Gracias por compartir este tramo del Camino conmigo hoy. --- Send in a voice message:

Day 3 of 40 from The Desert
March 03, 2020

I’m starting to look forward to the end of the day as much as I do to the beginning. Daybreak, nightfall, and the moments just before and after both of them are special. Maybe that’s why some call them the golden hours. It’s like they happen in slow motio

Desde el Desierto (Día 3 de 40)
March 03, 2020

Aun con hambre y sed en este lugar, Dios lo hace posible estar completamente satisfechos. Aun en el desierto y los lugares secos y solitarios de nuestras vidas, Dios nos provee con pan del cielo y un río de aguas vivas. Quien come de Su pan, y bebe de Su

Day 2 of 40 from The Desert
March 02, 2020

The desert is a lonely place. A band of buzzards reminded me that fear and death are a good business for some. They watched. I walked. They watched every step I took. I took more steps, quickly as I moved into this, my second day. They’re watching. Everyo
