Latest Episodes

Being Right in a Wrong Place
July 27, 2019

I discover little things in wrong places and accumulate them. Eventually the little things I collect outweigh the big things I seek. I keep digging. The deeper I dig the more I discover that I’m just dirt at the site of a small construction project among

The Light's Whole or a Dark Hole?
July 26, 2019

I wanted to stay but came back to time. Time changes everything and everything changes in time. But now I know beyond time's yesterday and tomorrow, eternity is now, forever. Now I know. Now I remember, even in this dark hole, I now know The Light's whole

July 23, 2019

Give us this day, I pray, but now is enough.

New Territory
July 23, 2019

Today was all new territory for me! I’d never done today before, and I’d never been this old! What an adventure! It was my first time.

Little Thumper Went to Market
July 23, 2019

Tomorrow Little Thumper and I may look for a windmill to joust, or another excuse to go back to the market.

July 15th
July 23, 2019

He IS the same, yesterday, today, and forever!

Tea Time
July 23, 2019

Tea helped me to stop, think, relax, and regroup before getting back into my old truck to make the trip home again.

Every Day
July 23, 2019

It’s enough!

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
July 23, 2019

I asked Him. He heard. He answered better than I could’ve asked or imagined! He always does.

Connected or Tangled?
July 23, 2019

Now is the time in the life of my podcast I get the urge to change it, end it, start another, or change my content management provider. It wouldn’t be the first time I started over. Starting over is what I usually do when I get tangled up.
