Podcast – WP Premium Support

Podcast – WP Premium Support

Help us with ConvertPress copywriting [6/7]

November 25, 2013

Welcome to the series about how we are launching the ConvertPress business in 7 days. You can sign up to get our launch email by entering your details below.

Today’s post is short. We’re too busy writing to copy to, well… write about what we’re doing. You’ll get the opportunity to comment on the sales copy while it’s a work in progress! But first, some reflection.

What’s it like to do a 7 day launch?

I’m not going to paint you a rosy picture of this launch, because it’s hard work. Here’s what you can expect if you’d like to emulate our 7 day approach:

  • Working on the weekend - this isn’t a lot of fun.
  • Working with a hangover – this comes with working on the weekend.
  • Lost sleep - will it succeed? Is the price right?
  • Self doubt - pressure brings out the best and worst in people.

It’s not all bad. Once we’re up and running, it will be all be worth it!

Recommended copywriting resources

Here’s a list of copywriting resources (thanks DT) if you’re just getting started:

I’m using Dane Maxwell’s Copywriting Checklist as a format for the copy for ConvertPress.

Help us!

Here is a link to a Google doc with the copy we have so far – we are working on it as we speak. We would love you to have a quick read. To add your two cents, right click and hit ‘Comment’. We would love to know what you think of the progress so far and we’ll consider this feedback when we launch the site tomorrow.

Afraid to click the link? It’s a Google doc with me working on our sales copy. Take a peek, I double dare you.

What’s next?

  1. Finish building the product
  2. Test it
  3. Launch the sales page (still working on choosing a theme)
  4. Sleep
  5. Launch and sell 30 ConvertPress’ subscriptions in a week

Piece of cake, right? Phew!

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The post Help us with ConvertPress copywriting [6/7] appeared first on Startup Chat.
