Podcast – WP Premium Support

Podcast – WP Premium Support

Podcast #43 - Going big with your idea with Erica Douglass (part 1)

September 18, 2013

In this episode I chat with Erica Douglass from Market Vibe about incubators, failure, software startups, pricing and going big with an idea.

(running time 37 minutes)


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Hopes and dreams.

“If you are selling $9 software you are selling hopes and dreams”tweet this.

Erica’s links



  • Incubators look at the team first
  • Some companies in incubators have funding before some don’t (same with revenue)
  • Helps to have a product with traction – most have launched already.
  • Erica’s company already had $400k funding before Techstars.
  • Mat Ellis from Cloudability had already raised $1.6m before entering Techstars.
