Stare Decisis Radio

Stare Decisis Radio

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British American Tobacco Denmark A:S v. Kazemier BV [2015] UKSC 65
November 02, 2015

Two Dutch haulage companies are sued in England f…

JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov [2015] UKSC 64
October 22, 2015

A freezing order to the value of US$4 billion is …

R v. McGeough [2015] UKSC 62
October 22, 2015

An alleged member of the IRA is charged in 2010 w…

Mandalia v. Home Secretary [2015] UKSC 59 (14 October 2015)
October 16, 2015

An applicant for a student visa fails to provide …

Sharland v. Sharland [2015] UKSC 60 (14 October 2015)
October 16, 2015

Should a judge have set aside a settlement in fam…

Shahid v. Scottish Ministers [2015] UKSC 58 (14 October 2015)
October 16, 2015

The issue in this case concerned whether a life p…

Gohil v. Gohil [2015] UKSC 61 (14 October 2015)
October 16, 2015

This case concerns non-disclosure of assets in fa…

Secretary of State v. Tolley
August 07, 2015

A short podcast on the UK Supreme Court case of S…

R (Tigere) v. Secretary of State for Business
August 07, 2015

A short discussion of the UK Supreme Court case o…
