St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

Jesus and the Spirit

January 17, 2016

Mick Woodhead continues our 'Meet God' series in John's Gospel, looking at how Jesus described the Holy Spirit as 'like streams of living water' which 'will flow from within'.  A great encouragement!

Bible base: John 7:37-44

Cell group questions

This is an important week in the life of STC Sheffield as we prepare for the first ‘Foundations Training’ session. Have you signed up yet?

This is the first time the whole church has been called together for training - what are your expectations?
Read the Bible passage above. What strikes you? What speaks into your life? Are you thirsty for more of God? Each day this week, ask The Lord to fill you afresh with his ‘living water’ - his Holy Spirit, and see what happens.


As a cell/cluster pray for more of the Holy Spirit in your lives and prepare for ‘Foundations Training’ this Saturday!
