St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

15 January 2016

January 14, 2016

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Frank was an elderly man at my church. He was almost like a piece of the furniture, I couldn’t imagine a time when that church had been without Frank. And then the Alpha course arrived. Aimed at new Christians, Frank wasn’t the obvious audience but nevertheless every week he was there to share food together and talk about faith. At the end of the course Frank was a transformed man, a faith that had become routine and about ‘doing stuff’ was transformed by an understanding of God’s grace, Jesus’ love and the work of the Holy Spirit.

In Paul’s words to the Ephesians we see that he has had the same revelation as Frank did. That as disciples we are marked by Jesus not by various things which get us ‘in the club’. For the 1st century listeners this was things like Sabbath, food laws and circumcision. Our ‘good work’ can be just as misguided. We can easily believe we are saved by the things we do, the activities we are part of, the homeless people we serve, the kids groups we run, the ministry we lead, the tithe we give. Paul makes is clear that it is through grace that we are part of God’s family.

And it gets better, not only do we have the gift of grace so all our striving can end but God actually thinks we’re alright! Paul describes us as ‘God’s handiwork’, God has created and is creating us into something beautiful. Our identity is in God because he made us, nothing I add will change that fact - my identity can only truly be found when I am found in my maker.

On top of these two amazing truths of the grace and identity we receive from God is that finally we receive purpose. We are part of God’s plan; he has things for you and me to do. We take up our purpose in the light of grace and our new found identity. This enables us to find joy in our work and delight in our calling because we know it doesn’t matter if we fail or get things wrong because ultimately God’s love and our identity isn’t in the things we do.

I hope this is an encouragement at the end of your week.
Jesus, thank you that our identity and purpose are found in you. Help us to live under grace today and to know that we do not get value from what we do but who you are.
