St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

St. Thomas Crookes Podcast

Who is Jesus?

January 10, 2016

This week we return to our "Meet God" sermon series looking at the John's Gospel.  Mick Woodhead looks at the ideas people had in Jesus' lifetime about who he was, and what people think and say today.

Bible base: John 6:60-71 & 7:1-24

Cell group questions

Do you think people today are interested in Jesus?
Do you think they want to know who Jesus is?
If someone asked you ‘Who is Jesus?’, how would you respond? Was there a time in your life when you asked that question? Who gave you an answer and what was it?
Read the Bible passage above, does it have any answers to questions 1 & 2?


This is going to be an exciting year at STC as we seek God for Revival - his spiritual awakening. Foundations Training is designed to equip us as a church so sign up and be ready to be blessed and used by Jesus!
