St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

St. Michael's Church, Charleston, SC

03-01-15 “Repentance of Pride, the Spiritual Cancer, Second in a Lenten Series on Repentance” The Rev. Alfred T. K. Zadig, Jr.

March 04, 2015

What is true repentance? As we entered our second Lenten Sunday on this critical word, let me remind us from the first Sunday in Lent that repentance is both a physical turning away from our sin, as well as a hatred and repulsion of that sin! Each Sunday, through Lent we will analyze repentance through a different topic. The First Sunday in Lent was on repenting of materialism, this past Sunday was on repenting of pride. The opposite of pride is humility. In fact, cut out this definition and put it on your refrigerator, “Humility is not thinking of less of ourselves, but looking to Jesus and thinking of ourselves less.â€

Printable Version

03-01-15 8am Lent 2 Bulletin

03-01-15 1030am Lent 2 Bulletin

03-01-15 6pm Lent 2 Bulletin
