St. James Cathedral, Seattle

St. James Cathedral, Seattle

Latest Episodes

Let the Lord Jesus look at you, and love you
April 16, 2019

Archbishop J. Peter Sartain preaches at the 10:00am Mass on Palm Sunday 2019.

Unbind us, Lord
April 08, 2019

Father Tom Lucas, SJ, preaches at the 10:00am Mass at St. James Cathedral on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, April 7, 2019.

Church Reform: An Historical Perspective
April 05, 2019

Father Pat Howell, SJ, presents on the history of church reform from its earliest days, and shares insights about what we can learn from history to guide us in the present crisis.

Jesus loves me as I am
April 01, 2019

On June 22, 2008, Jean Vanier visited St. James Cathedral and gave this talk. We are making it available on our website for those participating in the Lenten book group exploring Jean Vanier's recent book, We Need Each Other.

I was blind, but now I see
April 01, 2019

Father Ryan preaches at the 10:00am Mass at St. James Cathedral on the Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 31, 2019.

What do you thirst for?
March 27, 2019

Father Michael G. Ryan preaches at the 10:00am Mass at St. James Cathedral, Seattle, on the Third Sunday of Lent, Sunday, March 24, 2019.

The hunger only God can satisfy
March 10, 2019

Father Tom Lucas, SJ, preaches at the 10:00am Mass at St. James CAthedral on the First Sunday of Lent, March 10, 2019

Our words should bring light, not darkness
March 04, 2019

Father Michael G. Ryan preaches at the 10:00am Mass at St. James Cathedral, Seattle, on the 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, March 3, 2019.

Blessings and Curses
February 18, 2019

Father Michael G. Ryan preaches at St. James Cathedral at the 10:00am Mass on Sunday, February 17, 2019, the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 10, 2019

The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time at St. James Cathedral, February 10, 2019. We are providing the whole Mass for the benefit of those who missed Mass because of the snow!
