

Ep 031: Terrace House & Scar Stories

January 18, 2017

In this Winston-hosted shin-dig the guys do what they do best– and that’s podcast for your ears! The host’s warm up is raided by some great listener questions which is totally fine! Listener Questions > Whatever dumb question Winston can come up with.
The actual show breaks down like this: Mark wants to know, “How did you get your scar?” , and David, fresh off his romp around the world with Nathan Drake, wants to know what video game would turn into a good movie. After RRR, Winston has the group take a deep dive into the wonderful, silly and magical world that is the Netflix TV show, Terrace House: Boys & Girls In The City (No spoilers) Go. Watch. This. Show. Xian ends off the show discussing the Nintendo Switch to some differing opinions on the show.
Hosted by Winston McSadface (RIP Alabama and Houston’s football seasons)
Topics / Minutes

* 00:00 Intro / Hosts’ Warm Up
* 00:00 Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?
* 00:00 Video Games That Should Be Movies
* 00:00 Real Recognizes Real: Ranking the Kingdom
* 00:00 Terrace House
* 00:00 Nintendo Switch

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*Based on my own knowledge, sucka’
