Spokes of the Wheel

Spokes of the Wheel

Latest Episodes

Being Mentally Healthy – 17. Being Mentally Healthy
February 28, 2021

Mental health is as simple as abiding inner quietude. 8:31

Being Mentally Healthy – 16. Attaining Quietude
February 27, 2021

Sustaining inner silence is the ultimate skill. Simple practices help habituate quietude. 5:51

Being Mentally Healthy – 15. Why Mental Illness Is So Common
February 26, 2021

Mental illness is common because people believe what comes to mind. 4:06

Being Mentally Healthy – 14. Skill
February 25, 2021

Skill is a subconscious process. Intention is everything. Thought accomplishes nothing. 8:56

Being Mentally Healthy – 13. Belief
February 24, 2021

Belief is the bane of sensibility. Beliefs are the weeds in the mind crowding out clarity. 8:30

Being Mentally Healthy – 12. Psychospace
February 23, 2021

The mind traverses its own spacetime continuum to deal with what appears before it. Management of psychospace determines one's level of grace. 9:36

Being Mentally Healthy – 11. Consciousness
February 22, 2021

There are nominally 4 levels and 7 states of consciousness. Raising awareness elevates the enjoyment of living. 6:32

Being Mentally Healthy – 10. The Mind
February 21, 2021

Our instrument for navigating through life - the mind - is itself treacherous. 5:30

Being Mentally Healthy – 9. Mental Illness Treatment
February 20, 2021

The treatment of mental illness through history has been a sordid litany of miscomprehension, neglect, and abuse - sparsely laced with compassion. 12:35

Being Mentally Healthy – 8. Mental Illness & Mental Health
February 19, 2021

Mental illness arises from the predations of inner evil. Mental health is the simple state of being present and unperturbed. 7:11
