

Latest Episodes

53: NASA's New Administrator, OmegA, and Europa Clipper
April 20, 2018

This week on SPEXcast, we cover NASA's new Administator, Orbital ATK's new rocket, and the Russian launch industry.

52: HAB4 - RIT Space Exploration's latest mission
April 15, 2018

This week on SPEXcast, we interview the RIT students launching scientific payloads into the stratosphere.

51: NOAA Controversy, New Glenn Evolution, and Tiangong-1 Re-entry
April 06, 2018

Fairings and Space Stations fall from the sky, while the NOAA prevents anyone from watching, this week on SPEXcast.

50: CRS-7 Public Report and Satellite 2018
April 02, 2018

“Rivalry is the best rocket fuel.” How billionaire entrepreneurs are driving the next space race.

49: Christian Davenport Interview
March 23, 2018

“Rivalry is the best rocket fuel.” How billionaire entrepreneurs are driving the next space race.

48: MIT New Space Age Conference and SXSW
March 16, 2018

From illegal satellites to cislunar economies, this week on SPEXcast we dive into the exciting business of New Space

47: GOES-S, StarLink, and the Challenges of Space Engineering Programs
March 09, 2018

SPEXcast discusses GOES, StarLink demo satellites, and the Ariane V anomaly.

46: 2 Years of SPEXcast
March 02, 2018

SPEXcast turns 2!

44: NASA Budget 2019
February 24, 2018

SPEXcast discusses NASA's budget for 2019
