Speak Confident English

Speak Confident English

28 Negative Adjectives to Describe People in English

July 26, 2017

Welcome to the Speak Confident English Podcast!

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Use the transcript to follow the lesson and catch anything you might have missed!

Hi, I’m Anne Marie with Speak Confident English and welcome to your confident english Wednesday lesson. This is where you want to be every Wednesday if your goal is to advance your English language skills and communicate with confidence. And this week’s topic is really exciting because our focus is on you. Who are you? What makes you unique? What makes you, you? What is your attitude toward life? How do you view the world? We are focused on your personality, and your characteristics.

Of course, the language that you’re going to use in today’s lesson is also essential for being able to describe other people. If you describe your best friend or your colleagues at work. You need to have the language that we use, the vocabulary, the expressions and idioms for describing personalities. On this topic, there is so much to know, and we’re going to dive deeply on this topic. So, this is actually the first lesson in a series that I will do so that we can discover the good, the bad, and the ugly of personalities. We’re going to focus on traits that are positive, things that we love about people. We’ll also focus on things that aren’t so positive, things that maybe we don’t like about people so much and everything in the middle.

In today’s first lesson we’re going to look at some useful language that will allow you to talk about personalities, how to start that first sentence or your conversation. We’ll also look at language that helps us to soften those negative characteristics, or even show different levels of extreme. For example, maybe someone is extremely shy, or someone is extremely outgoing and ta
