Speak Confident English

Speak Confident English

Telephone English – Useful Tips And A Common Mistake

November 13, 2016

Welcome to the Speak Confident English Podcast!

Click Here for the Full Lesson!

Use the transcript to follow the lesson and catch anything you might have missed!

Hi, I’m Annemarie with Speak Confident English, and if your goal is to be more fluent and confident, so that you can do what you want in English, then you are in the right place. Today’s Confident English lesson, we are focused on the Telephone In English. I know that you want your communication in English to be easy and successful. The telephone can be challenging, because we can’t see the other person. We don’t have the body language or the facial expressions to help us understand what is being said. We only have our voice, or the ability to understand another person. Today we’re going to talk about how you can make telephone conversations in English easier and more successful. In the online lesson today, I’ve given you nine of the most useful tips that you need to know about to have easy and successful conversations in English on the telephone, but in this video, we’re going to talk about two activities that you can do on your own anytime, so that you can be better prepared and speak more clearly when you’re using English on the telephone, and a common mistake that you can avoid.
Let’s talk about how you use the telephone in English. Maybe you only use it to make restaurant reservations, or to call a hotel when you’re traveling, but maybe you use it every day. You talk to clients about their account information or provide updates. Maybe you have to handle customer complaints or you talk to a coworker who lives in another country. In each of these situations, there is one thing that you can that takes just a few minutes of your time, but if you do it, it will help you be prepared. It will help you to feel confident about what you’re going to say. It will help you make sure you don’t forget any important details
