Life's A Holladay

Life's A Holladay

Karina Smirnoff: Dance Fit at Westin Mission Hills Spa

March 20, 2014






















Nope.  That’s not a typo! I actually met and danced with Karina Smirnoff of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars! We will be broadcasting video from the event and my interview with her when our new web series launches in about 4 weeks.

But, since the new season of DWTS just began, I had to go ahead and share the fun with you. Be sure to register for the Brunch Bliss list to get the announcement regarding the video air date.

Karina was at the Westin Mission Hills not golfing, but teaching a workshop based on her DanceFit DVD. We talked about that and on the web series we will reveal one of Karina’s favorite spas in LA, her own secret spa concoction she takes to the spa and what super fun accents she likes to mimic!

Spa Hack: Buy a ballroom dance DVD (Dancing with the Stars has a whole series) and do part of it, then mix in part of Karina’s DanceFit for a changeable dance and strength class that will keep your body guessing. . . and never be boring.

Episode Links & Resources:

To Buy Karina’s DanceFit DVD

Karina Smirnoff Dance School

Westin Mission Hills Resort & Spa

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