Encouraging Words

Encouraging Words

Latest Episodes

The Unfair CNBC Republican Debate
October 29, 2015

Critics are claiming the CNBC Moderators of the recent Republican Debate were unfair. I'm actually glad they were unfair.

What are Micro Aggressions?
October 28, 2015

"Microaggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or. unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their."

Thank a Teacher
October 27, 2015

New post by CDMarion

Be Yourself
October 26, 2015

Donald Trump and Ben Carson are hardly the same candidate, but they both are garnering major support. Why? Because They are Themselves

October 23, 2015

Tennessee has a 6% unemployment rate. We have jobs. We are slowly becoming a the premier manufacturing hub.

Hillary Clinton: Martyr or Mistake
October 22, 2015

Hillary Clinton is testifying in the Benghazi hearings on Capital Hill today. Is she a martyr or a mistake?.....Both.

Hey Paul! Don't Do It!
October 21, 2015

Paul Ryan would make a Fantastic speaker...therefore, he shouldn't do it.

Donald Trump has Magical Powers
October 20, 2015

Donald's magical power is: He can do no wrong with hard core conservatives.

Preying for Lamar Odom
October 19, 2015

The Kardashians and Hollywood are both "Preying" for/on Lamar Odom.

Is Paul Ryan Conservative Enough?
October 09, 2015

If you fail to prove your conservative credentials in Washington will turn you into puppy chow. Paul Ryan will have to ask himself if he's ready for that reality.
