So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

So it's a show?: keeping up with the Gilmore Girls

ep 10: Just call me Ponyboy. (The Outsiders)

April 21, 2017

Call you what now, Rory? Once we actually figured out what she was talking about, we were all about it. Rory's talking about The Outsiders, an ‘80s teen drama with a cast we’re calling #SquadGoals: Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Diane Lane, the Karate Kid…the list keeps going. We dig into how the movie was made, and how she's like Ponyboy and the Chilton kids are like Socs. Easter Egg Hunt: Wait, was Rory planning on writing the Gilmore Girls tell-all in S1? (P.S. We love you, NPR.)
