Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

SOI 021: 3 Advantages And 4 Rapid Strategies On How To Increase Website Traffic And Bring Your Content Back From The Dead By Re-purposing It

February 17, 2014

In this episode of the Shade Of Info Podcast, I talk about the true importance of re-purposing your content, the major advantages that you have to re-purpose all of your content and how to increase website traffic strictly based on re-purposing your content.

It's a fact that content that we create gets stale and loses it's impact after a while. Happens to all of us. But does that mean that blog posts we created once before that now doesn't get the same interest it once did, has to stay that way? Of course not. That's where re purposing your content comes in and can help you to increase your traffic from the same content you used once before.

