Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

Podcast – Somente o Indispensável

SOI 020: 15 Mistakes I Made Starting A Blog That Cost Me Hundreds Of Subscribers

February 10, 2014

In this episode of the Shade Of Info Podcast, I talk about 15 mistakes that I made when starting a blog that honestly cost me hundreds of subscribers.

These mistakes are things that every day experienced bloggers as well as new bloggers are making on a consistent basis.

To truly succeed in business, you can't afford to make these same mistakes when starting a blog of your own. Doing so will result in getting little to no subscribers to your blog and cause you numerous headaches.

Luckily, I take the time to talk about the mistakes that I made that cost me me subscribers and hopefully you'll be able to learn from those mistakes and not follow in my footsteps.

