Social Work Shorts with Stephen J Mordue

Social Work Shorts with Stephen J Mordue

Latest Episodes

Short Shorts! Chaos, Order, and a trusted system - Social Work Shorts Season 2 Ep.4
August 17, 2019

In this 4th Short Short Stephen talks about mindfulness, creative thinking, and creating order out of chaos

Short Shorts! What gets in the way - Myth Busting - Self Care Shorts Season 2 Ep.3
July 21, 2019

In this 3rd Short Shorts Stephen looks at the Calendar Effect, and multitasking - let's bust those myths about productivity!

Short Shorts! Motivation and Flow Self Care Shorts Season 2 Ep.2
July 12, 2019

So what motivates you? In this episode Stephen talks about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and creating flow. Enjoy! Leave a message!

Short Shorts! Why talk about self care and productivity? Self Care Shorts Season 2 Ep.1
July 05, 2019

Self Care is a priority and necessity, not a luxury, in the work that we do. In Season 2 of Self Care Shorts Stephen presents some Short Shorts - about 10 minutes of bite-sized information - on self care and productivity. In the first episode he explores.

Motivation and Productivity - Self Care Shorts Podcast Season One 5/5
March 14, 2019

Here is the fifth edition of the Self Care Shorts Podcast!Stephen talks about the calendar effect, hump day, learning, earning and yearning and thinks about motivation - what keeps you going... being autonomous, competent, and related it turns out! Pleas.

Setting your priority - Self Care Shorts Podcast Season One 4/5
February 24, 2019

Here is the fourth edition of the Self Care Shorts Podcast!Stephen talks about self care and productivity in relation to Social Work.... more on exercise and parkrun, prioritising using the ABCDE method, and learning stuff from his speed awareness course.

Exercise and self care - Self Care Shorts Podcast Season One 3/5
February 15, 2019

Here is the third edition of the Self Care Shorts Podcast!Largely unscripted (!) Stephen talks about self care through exercise, the impact of growing up in Thatcher's Britain in the 80's, mindfulness, Liam Neeson, and discrimination... all in just over .

Productivity, Frogs, and emails - Self Care Shorts Podcast Season One 2/5
February 01, 2019

Here is the second edition of the Self Care Shorts Podcast!Discover more productivity tips! I'll tell you about David Allen's 2 minute rule and 'Do it, Defer it, Delegate it, or Delete it'! I'll tell you about managing emails... and we'll think about how.

Sleep and Productivity Tips - Self Care Shorts Podcast Season One 1/5
January 26, 2019

Here it is! The first Self Care Shorts Podcast!Discover productivity tips and have a think about how you sleep! Please give it a share! Stephen Mordue is a Senior Lecturer in Social Work at Sunderland UniversityHe has a passion for sharing ideas about pr.
