Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Changing the Game with Digital Engagement, Presented by SAP

Latest Episodes

LinkedIn and Microsoft: The Perfect Storm for Social Selling?
July 05, 2016

The buzz: Weather at six. Microsoft’s headline-grabbing LinkedIn acquisition announcement was followed immediately by widespread speculation about what this would and could mean for the Social Selling world.

Video and the Social Seller's Toolkit
June 07, 2016

The buzz: Viva le Video! The 1978 lyrics of “Video Killed the Radio Star” 'The Buggles' expressed deep concerns about the impact of 20th century inventions on the media arts.

Video and the Social Seller's Toolkit
June 07, 2016

The buzz: Viva le Video! The 1978 lyrics of “Video Killed the Radio Star” 'The Buggles' expressed deep concerns about the impact of 20th century inventions on the media arts.

Social Selling Adoption: How to Make It Happen
May 10, 2016

The buzz: “I don’t’ believe it. Prove it to me and I still won’t believe it” -Douglas Adams. Social Selling is changing the sales industry in positive and profitable ways.

Social Selling Adoption: How to Make It Happen
May 10, 2016

The buzz: “I don’t’ believe it. Prove it to me and I still won’t believe it” -Douglas Adams. Social Selling is changing the sales industry in positive and profitable ways.

for Social Selling: Fantasy or Fix, Hype or Hope? Three Experts Speak.
April 12, 2016

The buzz: Finally…Social Selling has grabbed business headlines since at least 2012, with companies worldwide hanging onto every word of advice from a handful of Social Selling gurus.

for Social Selling: Fantasy or Fix, Hype or Hope? Three Experts Speak.
April 12, 2016

The buzz: Finally…Social Selling has grabbed business headlines since at least 2012, with companies worldwide hanging onto every word of advice from a handful of Social Selling gurus.

How Social Selling is Changing the SMB Market
March 15, 2016

The buzz: The little engine that could. We previously explored how Social Selling is transforming the large enterprise.

How Social Selling is Changing the SMB Market
March 15, 2016

The buzz: The little engine that could. We previously explored how Social Selling is transforming the large enterprise.

How Social Selling Is Changing the Large Enterprise
February 16, 2016

The buzz: The times they are a-changin’. Yes! Social Media has not merely changed the way we buy – but also the way companies sell.
